Clean Cocktails by Beth Nydick
Wow, I can’t believe it’s already May 1st. I know we all want life to resume back to “normal,” but we don’t even know what that looks like yet. Wearing masks, not shaking hands or hugging friends old and new, and if dining at your favorite restaurant is possible. To keep my immune system boosted, I figured it was time to pull out one of my favorite mixology books, Clean Cocktails for a “healthy drink.
OK, I know a healthy cocktail could be considered a stretch, but I believe cocktails are fun and always bring people together.
This drink, “The Big Chill,” served in a coupe glass, Is full of “good for you” ingredients that will make you feel less shitty about drinking 6 days a week.
Chili powder is full of vitamin C, which will boost your immunity. It also has vitamin A helps with your collagen levels and the levels of the moisture in hair and skin. Ginger adds flavor to this drink, but it also helps with the digestion process and combats inflammation.
BUT OMG, that’s not even the best part of this drink- while the health benefits are amazing, the history behind the glassware of choice for this drink is one of the best stories I have read in a long time.
The Cliff Notes: The Coupe glass was designed in the 17th century by a Benedictine monk. These glasses became very popular in the 1700s and were used mostly for Champagne however, since the glass is a shallow, broad-bowled it causes champagne bubbles to disappear quickly and that’s not good. About 10 years later a rumor started that the shape of the glass was molded in the shape of Marie Antionette’s breast. Seriously, can’t make this stuff up.
Anyway, mixogists quicky found a great use for this glass. Drinks served up!
Find a friend to be socially distance with and enjoy The Big Chill